I have for some time been a believer in bee pollen and its numerous health benefits. Bee pollen is one of the most nutrient dense super foods on the planet.
But propolis, which seems to act as a sealant and glue in the hives of honeybees, boost many proven benefits as well. In addition to the link below, it also seems to help lower blood pressure, reverse bone density loss (or help to do so) and help with food poisoning.
God has given us by and large all the medicine we need in this world. It's a shame that the medical industry dismisses it.

They also say that if you get local honey (living location), it can help with allergies. It's one of the few things I have found that does work. It takes time.. to build up the immunity. But agreed, it is one of the best (healthiest) ways. But, everyone wants a pill to take care of the problem.. today, not tomorrow. So.. Big Pharma provides.