As a natural health aficionado I always enjoy coming across and sharing some really impressive and well researched information in which we can take commonly found foods,plants, spices, seeds, etc. in nature and observe incredible healing properties and results.
I will add that in my opinion it is a really cool indicator of God's creative Hand that this fruit, it's juice, and extract are so good for the heart, the arteries, and overall circulation in that if you cut open a pomegranate it actually resembles the chambers of the human heart. It's said that kidney beans are also good for your kidneys. Walnuts are beneficial to the brain. Grapes resemble human lungs and have been shown to prevent lung cancer and asthma. Everyone knows carrots are good for our eyes and a sliced carrot resembles a human eye. Ginger is a well renowned stomach settler and a piece of ginger resembles the human stomach.
People rely on modern medicine and their doctors to treat them and "cure them" of their various maladies and sickness. I understand that. It's what we've been trained and conditioned to do. But if you look around, the "healthcare" industry isn't so patient friendly these days. Whether it's soaring costs for a variety of reasons or the hoops we now are required to jump through to either prove we're vaccinated or Covid-negative, the old idea of healing and treating the patient first and worry about the rest later is becoming lost. Indeed, even now there are more and more stories of people being denied organ transplants due to their not being vaccinated for Covid-19. I understand organs are scarce and to me a transplant should be a last resort anyway. But a person in that situation is already on the verge of dying. We're losing our basic compassion and common sense to follow a faulty narrative to begin with.
Not to mention all of the side effects and potential poisoning that the "medicine" can cause to a patient, and well, people have to do what they have to do. It was supposedly Hippocrates, you know that guy that there's an oath for, who said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine by thy food." For the longest time doctors basically lived by that idea. Then a guy by the name of John D. Rockefeller got hold of the medical schools in this country and let's just say for now things changed. Things changed a great deal and not for the better.
But what is this also in this article? Pomegranate is an ant-infective and is antiviral and antibiotic. And what is it that it has been shown to combat there with #9? Well, it's SARS. Well let's take that a little further. What did they call Covid-19, other than Covid-19? Well it's said to be similar to and of the same "family" as SARS and it's also SAR-CoV-2. Well I wonder then, would it maybe show any potential in combating Covid-19? Well, yes, studies have shown just that. Very studies have shown that it has the ability to kill/deactivate the virus as well as the ability to keep it from binding to a host cell and replicating. But here I thought this "magic vaccine" was the cure all and the only legitimate treatment or help that we have. I think you and I both know that isn't remotely true.
God takes care of His children and He cares about you, about me, about everyone on this earth. Even if someone doesn't believe, even if someone is a "doubting thomas", that doesn't change the fact that God cares about each and every individual on this planet. A little sparrow falls and dies, He notices it. (Matthew 10:29) You think He doesn't notice what you go through and the pain, be it illness, be it whatever, that comes into your life? He's provided medicine, real medicine that's a lot more effective and a lot safer than what a few pharmakeia's can whip up for profit. I don't know, I'm not giving medical advice but who would you want to trust? I can give advice as to who you should trust there. And it's not a Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, or a politician or "health expert" on tv or in the government. It's your Father who still knows what makes these bodies tick far better than any of those other people could ever hope to.