Constitutional attorney John Whitehead lays out just what is going on and what has been going on in our country for at least 20 years (frankly longer) in a very sober and eloquent manner. The stark reality here too is that it doesn't matter who you voted for in 2016 or who you will vote for in a couple of months if not sooner. The President of the United States at this point is a figurehead and I guarantee you that no one gets into that office and sits in that seat without explicitly agreeing to every bit of this and continuing to do it. It's almost ironic even that at a time and in which the state of affairs is that corporations, among others, truly run the country that people thought that taking one of those "owners" and making him the President was going to be the change to this government body system that we needed. This man whose only real vested interest in his life has been in himself and in enriching himself has truthfully always been an influence and a voice within the Deep State that his Q Anon followers want to believe he is fighting against. But that same Deep State, which honestly goes "deeper" to the children of Satan worldwide, has already promoted,enriched, and served him well so of course he isn't and won't fight it. Again, if you don't believe that, who is winning out in this "pandemic" while so many of us lose jobs, have ridiculous mandates thrust upon us, and struggle even to find the food that was always so readily available in the richest most blessed nation on earth? The wealthiest of the 1% and the corporations continue to live happily and mostly unbothered. If a nation in which your movements are controlled and you're told how to live and what to wear when you go go out and you become poorer while the ruling class grows richer isn't essentially living in a socialist or even communist type condition than I don't know what is.
The reality here too is what many have tried to say and have said. The United States itself is essentially a corporation and we the people are its assets and they determine our value. We're taxed beyond measure. We really are. I shared on Facebook a picture with a listing of all of the individual taxes and fees that we pay more or less without question and the sheer number of them is indeed astounding. It reminds me of a portion of one of my favorite poems The Ghost of Valley Forge.
"You buy permits to travel, permits to own a gun
Permits to start a business or to build a place for one
On land you believe you own you pay a yearly rent
Although you have no say in how the money's spent."
Over and over again, the message has been that "we the people", we the American citizens and we the human race are a disease or something to be bought and sold as slaves in a free land. Indeed, our government has sent this message along with their corporate "sponsors". This includes of course more than ever Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Amazon. The global warming overlords and fear pushers say that human life, in as much as we exhale carbon dioxide, and human activity is a disease and a cancer on the planet. Henry Makow wrote that with this ordering masking of all of us for what is essentially an overhyped but still nasty flu, the message is that we are the disease. It certainly seems that he's right. My friend Steve Barwick has posted on Facebook numerous times that we are being sold out by our "leaders" and everyone else.
At this point you have two options. Well, you have three options. The first option is believe none of this and do nothing. Live your life as blissfully but ignorantly happy as possible and go your way. The second option is the popular culture definition of insanity these days. Keep doing what you're doing to feed this "mini beast" as no it's not THE political beast of Revelation yet but it is taking us there. Vote for the lesser evil. Vote party first because your hatred and fear of the other head of that beast runs that deep. Never mind both heads bite you with the poisonous venom of the asp. Never mind that for the responsible evangelical Christian conservative out there that the Patriot Act was brought into being under Republican George W. Bush and the "pandemic" and all of the nonsense associated with it have happened with Republican Donald J. Trump in office as he spends his time tweeting, whining, and sounding at times like he's genuinely insane while the country burns. Both roads politically take you straight into spiritual and Mystery Babylon. As some have astutely pointed out red and blue combined make the purple the beast is clothed in symbolically. You can ride in one of those cars and ride down one of those roads while yelling at those on the other road or on neither road if you wish.
The third option is to wake up, plant your feed solidly on faith in Christ and faith in your inalienable rights and the liberty He gives you and say "NO". No you won't consent to being merely a good or service owned by your government and bought and sold at their whim while a good many of us are dumped into the clearance bin. "NO" you won't consent to being controlled with insane medical suggestions that don't work and that are handed down on the spur of the moment by people who care not for your or my welfare. "NO" you won't admit that you are a disease, virus, or plague upon the planet because you are a uniquely created child of God made in His image. "NO" you won't be deceived by their distractions, their lies, their spiritual darkening smoke anymore. "NO" you won't continue in this orchestrated madness of listening to the promises of politicians who routinely break them and routinely get re-elected after they break them. "NO" you won't vote party first, lesser evil first and you won't make little idols and gods out of man like too many evangelical Christian conservatives have out of this man we currently have. You will evaluate, you will discern, and you will trust no flesh man without checking him out with the discernment given by the Holy Spirit. That doesn't include, "God sets up kings" "God put him there, etc." What that means is you look at and you listen to what is said, evaluate it against what is done, and test every fruit you come across along the way. Then you look at the country and your people as a whole and you see just how we're doing on blessings or even cursings in this nation.
No man wins the battle you think he's going to win. Man is the one who is going to lead you into deception, into apostasy, into abomination and desolation and right into perdition if you're not careful. The sons of Satan hunt souls for their father even and they're not gentle in the least. There are those politicians who willingly go along and those who legitimately don't know better. But the point is, the end result and the end road is the same. IT IS NOT WHERE YOU WANT TO BE. Christ is the one whom at His Second Advent smashes the toes of Satan's system and cripples it. Christ is the one who tosses Satan into that pit for 1,000 years and takes that whole political and religious beast and does away with it forever. Christ is the one who forces those who conspire every day against you to come and worship at your feet if you are His elect and His zadok. Not to worship you, but to worship Christ. But you're there because you weren't fooled by the lies of media, politicians, "health experts", or even and especially from the spiritual side preachers.
The time is coming and in fact is here to separate yourself. Separate yourself from the petty squabbles, the political why's, wherefore's, and debates, and the division amongst family members and spiritual family members over worldly and fleshly concerns. It doesn't build up, it doesn't bring anyone together, and it doesn't open eyes or plant seeds. It does anything but. These days are moving way too fast and the time left is becoming far too little to be rolling around in the "stuff" they want all of us to play in. Make it in YHVH or in Christ you trust and let the herd argue over the rest if that's what makes them happy.