I came across this, in an email update that I received. By the way, this particular blog that I am pulling this from is a good one for some of the real information on Covid-19 and some common sense in this world of insanity. They seem to be legitimate and at bare minimum the information they share and link is extremely valuable. But one of the things that those of us paying attention probably have come to realize is just how much totalitarian control is going into and coming out of both New Zealand and Australia over Covid-19. I have heard it theorized that those particular nations are trial zones and test runs for the rest of us in the world. Which actually would make some sense as they are both isolated in a sense, no land borders but islands, and yet still with functioning governments and significant populations. Obviously, there is a historical connection with the UK and both nations. For those "in the know", you would probably understand as well that while yes Jerusalem is key to prophecy, to the end times, and to the one world government, it is London in which the Rothschild Kenites have set up shop and traditionally called home. I saw a friend of mine even had posted a YouTube video linking the coronavirus with the British crown and we know Queen Elizabeth feels perfectly fine and content to wander about without a face mask apparently.
But what this brings out for me as well is again just how tightly and carefully controlled the nations of this world are while in many cases giving and presenting the illusion of being free, and standing for and defending liberty and individual rights and yet the very people "elected" to run a supposedly sovereign nation are of course run by, controlled by, and manipulated by globalist actors. Because all of this, ultimately, is designed to and destined to lead to that fourth beast or kingdom, that political beast or first beast that receives a deadly wound, and in other words a one world government.
Psalm 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
This is what is going on today. All of the nations meet together and quite honestly are controlled by these same Rothschild (and other) Kenites and they want to pull as many nations and as many people within those nations away from God, away from Christ specifically, to set up in the first verse or to imagine a "vain" thing- an empty, worthless thing. It's the same thing repeated again and again. A modern day Tower of Babel style system and government. God confused the languages and scattered the people then so in this day when we still have different languages and people even more scattered, do they really think it will work now? Well, I guess the thing is that it is even written that it will work for a brief period of time. But probably not when it's just man running it. When Satan, who is supernatural and some of his fallen angel buddies take control, then it will work for a time. But ultimately it too will fall at Christ's return.
But again the real point here is we get into governments and politics and elections and this too is vanity because these people, including the President of the United States, don't run a thing, essentially. Yet boy are we divided and all caught up in "doing our duty as citizens" to elect the best person. It's going to be a great thing when Christ does return and you have not only a functioning government or what have you. But you have One Who does care, Who does make right and righteous decisions and won't be swayed by anything because He already controls it all and owns everything. I am sorry to have to say that I think there will come a time in which people will be a bit embarrassed and shameful that they got so caught up in politics one way or the other.
There is also a video attached to this which I haven't even watched yet that is an hour long.