I'm sorry, but I always take it and put it on myself to first of all spread and share as much truth as possible. Second, the fact that I work with a mask nazi who freaks out or protests if any of us are unmasked or leave our nose uncovered, it makes me hate the danged things that much more.
Again, I will say things like this until I'm blue in the face. The information is out there. Unfortunately, there are elements that want to cover up that information or censor it to make it harder to find. But it is out there all the same and will continue to be so long as there are independent truth tellers who have some degree of independent control over their own outlet. Facebook and YouTube can censor but if someone has their own website or blog they still at this point anyway have control over their own content.
I believe a fair challenge and request is for all politicians, health experts,bureaucrats, technocrats, and corporate and business leaders to do two things.
Provide at least one scientifically accepted, peer reviewed, double blind, RCT study that
shows that wearing face masks reduces the spread of any airborne respiratory virus.
2. Provide an answer as to why the extensive studies that show that masks do not work were
flawed or otherwise no longer correct.
Here is just one source and one individual who provides some such studies, the most relevant takeaways, and direct links to all of them.
That, again, is just one source. It came up a few links down on the front page of DuckDuckGo as I wasn't about to use Google to research or provide a link to why face masks don't work. There are certainly others out there.
I have mentioned that every day at work my day starts with two things. I get my temperature inaccurately checked. And when I say inaccurately checked I mean inaccurately checked. Lately it more often than not comes up 97 point something degrees. Which of course is lower than normal but I guess there are people who have slightly lower body temperatures and are fine. But it also has registered 92, 93, or 94 point something which is hypothermia territory. Seeing as how I had no symptoms, did not go to the hospital, and am still here today I am going to venture a guess that I did not have hypothermia.
The second thing I do is grab a face mask which my employer mandates I wear to protect myself and others. On the table where these masks sit and the temperature checker sits behind is a note that says the masks are not intended to prevent or protect me from any illness. Yeah, I guess they are required to tell the truth in some way at least.
I will also link an outstanding site below that has several videos and articles on face masks and Covid-19. If you were unaware of it, please feel free to bookmark it.
What I personally have also seen or read are demonstrations in which a doctor uses a vaping device underneath different face masks and the vapors go around and straight through the mask. I also recall a Canadian man who manufactured PPE's for years saying on video that 70% of the air in the environment is going to bypass the face mask and only 30% is going to be blocked or filtered through it.
Now, and recently after I saw a friend on Facebook post as much, I see something very troubling from face masks, particularly the surgical style masks, many, including myself, typically wear when I "have to". They have a known carcinogen and prolonged use of them- say an entire day at school or an entire shift at work, can lead to lung cancer. Sinus infections, headaches, fatigue, and yes some more serious side effects and conditions were already something I knew about. But now, lung cancer. The highlights, or lowlights, of the attached link are these.
1. Masks are “sterilized” with Ethylene Oxide — a known carcinogen. Many teachers in various school boards have been experiencing significant symptoms as a direct result of the effects of this chemical. 2. The masks contain (not sprayed with) PTFE which makes up Teflon along with other chemicals. I found and have posted the US patent to allow manufacturers to use PTFE as a filter in commercial masks… “breathing these for extended periods can lead to lung cancer.” Don’t agree? Argue with the experts at OSHA, which is the main US agency, i.e., its Occupational Health & Safety Agency. These masks are meant to be worn only for short periods, like say if you’re sanding a table for an hour and don’t want to inhale sawdust.
And oh, when someone with good intentions but a lack of information says, "well doctors and surgeons wear them so they can't be that harmful and they can't limit your oxygen intake", here is something that I thought was the case that I'm glad someone else can apparently confirm.
"You may hear people saying that surgeons and nurses wear masks like this all day.
Um, no. No they don’t.
They’re trained in the proper use of masks, which is to wear them in the OR, then dispose of the mask when they leave that room.
Are you aware that operating rooms are actually supplied extra oxygen, to compensate for the reduction in oxygen flow from mask wearing?"
Now, the reason I specifically mentioned corporate and business leaders is that they can be held liable. I agree with the author that forcing children to wear masks all day is criminal. But requiring that employees wear them all day is no less criminal. As a matter of fact, I see things like this and I want to forward it or send it to the corporate headquarters of my employer. But, that would likely serve no purpose as it would be ignored, not believed, or not acted upon. I would imagine if a class action lawsuit, or the threat of one, were started, that would gather some attention on their end. If this continues long enough, that would not perhaps be out of the realm of possibility.
I say all of this with one caveat. If you believe that you need to put a mask on to go to the grocery or to Walmart or out to eat, than do so. If you believe you need to because it's mandated and you think you're protecting people, so be it. I would disagree based on the science that I know of that you're protecting anyone and I still would be concerned you're harming yourself in some way. But short trips and short periods of time probably won't risk that much. Again it's the all day every day routine in which it becomes a danger. If you can get away with it or find a loophole or exemption even at work, do it. If your employer/manager doesn't balk when it covers your mouth only(still not ideal probably) do so. Take other supplements/nutrients to protect yourself. There are of course natural cures and treatments for cancer as far as that goes. But the requirement is indeed criminal. Even if it's criminal with good intentions it is still criminal. Because it isn't backed by evidence.
That's the thing and that's where I'll close. Go with the evidence and the truth. Take time to search for it because the powers that be aren't transparent or willing to lead you to it by any means. All of us are losing our rights when it comes to making decisions on our health and how to live our lives and I guarantee you in as much as we allow it, it will only get worse. You have a God who loves you and you have good people who care for you enough to try to show you some truth. You can either have faith in God and respect and listen to those people and weigh what they have to say. Or you can allow that spirit of fear that isn't from God to cause you to just believe what your television and your dancing puppet politicians say. I know too what God's Word says about "politicians" in the latter days in Isaiah 3. Hopefully you do as well. Something to certainly consider.