Brother Nathanel put in some work and some research for this one. Citing Josephus, and a work by Ernest Martin on Jerusalem's temples, it bears much consideration. This is yet another example of one more lie taught to you by the media, by the government, by "experts", and by your churches and pastors. Look at the thrusting at the wall- embarrassing, lewd, not even remotely "religious" unless you're talking about something completely grotesque and sick. How long, oh Christians, are you going to continue to bow down to a people who are not Jewish, for whatever that's worth, and are in a location that in these days God makes clear He isn't and won't be pleased with and is going to be filled with some of the biggest abominations this world has ever seen. Particularly when the Antichrist, Satan himself, sets up shop there. They're rolling out the red carpet for him. Learn of the Kenites, if you haven't and if you can. Know that there are those that claim to be Jews and do lie (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9) and that the only two churches, in other words the only "doctrine" that Christ found no fault in were those churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia that knew who these people were. Read Ezekiel 22 and the next several chapters and understand how these same people set up shop in Jerusalem, defile that city, and build an entire world order that will ultimately be part of Mystery Babylon. You want to take part in that, you are playing with fire and that's not a God thing to be playing with strange fire or to even be on the wrong end of God's consuming fire when that time comes.
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Thank you Diane. Yes, I am sure we both have been studying with Shepherd's Chapel over the years or have done so in the past. I'm not entirely sure but I would not be surprised either if they don't truly get their big plan to truly come to fruition until Satan takes control. They will certainly try to set it up and maybe get some semblance of it. But it seems there are just too many differences of opinion, of belief, of agendas even when they try to come together for man to do much of anything on their own. But they'll certainly try and there will come that wound for that false messiah to apparently heal.
I suspect you study with who I study with. Many blessings and many thanks. I have bookmarked your site. I saw one of your articles that was posted on Crooked Crony Capitalism Gone Wild. I had seen your site once before and intended to go back and read the article but I had not done it. I am glad that I did.......
I do know absolutely who the kenites are and have for many many years. I have watched since at least 1980. We will soon be in the time of the antichrist and the fallen filth. I have no doubt about these things. Your site is one of the only sites that I have seen that know what this is ultimately about. I know what that wall is and I have actually read Texe Marrs on that grotesque and sick thrusting and what it is symbolizing really is. The People have no idea what is coming upon them. Things are going to get really bad and men will call on God and they have the abomination ready to deceive them. As terrible and blatant as the lies are right now.....we have seen nothing yet. I keep in my own mind that the New World Order will not come to fruition until the abomination is here openly on the scene. The contrast between what we will actually experience on the global stage will appear to be the answer to all that People will be begging for. Their savior...the imposter messiah.