Those who know me know that I am no fan of Donald Trump. I'm not a fan of Donald Trump as a man. I'm not a fan of Donald Trump as a celebrity. I'm not a fan of Donald Trump as a businessman as despite his wealth, it was wealth almost nearly and completely lost had it not been for Rothschild right hand man and former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. . That isn't even getting into his dishonesty in business and broken promises, business failures, and likely exaggeration of his own wealth. I certainly was not a fan of Donald Trump the political candidate or Donald Trump the President. As a matter of fact, it was a concurrence of Donald Trump running for President and the biblically and intellectually sound points brought out by Brandon Ward and that brought me out of, in my view, Satan's political dynasty and politics in general these days.
So it's not about giving him credit for this selection of a judge although if one wants to do so that's fine. The truth is two-fold. One, this woman likely was unqualified by most objective standards for her appointment. Two, even if he was playing a role and playing to conservative Christians, I would likely agree more with Donald Trump on this than the mess of a publication that jokingly thinks it knows something called The Rolling Stone.
But the bottom line here is that the decision made is the correct one. The ruling by Judge Mizelle that the mask cleans nothing is not only correct but I would add that it essentially does nothing. The fact is that pretty much every accepted randomized peer reviewed scientific study done on the efficacy of masks in controlling the transmission of viral droplets and respiratory illnesses was minimal at best. Now I of course am a layman but I don't think it's a stretch to say that as a whole a virus is a virus is a virus and that if masks don't really help with stopping the spread of the influenza virus, it stands to reason they're not really going to help with stopping the spread of coronavirus or likely any virus. The CDC not only overreached but they basically had to change their science for political reasons, for control reasons, or feel free to come up with a reason. Naturally, they do in fact receive funding, in part from the guy at the forefront of all of this, Bill Gates himself.
While none of us know exactly what comes next, and with places like China yet again and Philadelphia enacting more totalitarian and scientifically and medically arbitrary measures, we sadly have not likely seen the last of Covid stupidity. Not yet anyway.
But thank God and yes at least thank Judge Mizelle for this ruling that people flying and on Amtrak will have a bit more freedom and that for now we have gone back to a bit more common sense. For however long it lasts.