I will admit that this may require a bit more research. But it is certainly something that seems more than plausible and it actually would be pretty common knowledge and pretty easily debunkable if one were able to do that.
As you may know, our old "friends" at the WHO have declared monkeypox to be a Global Health Emergency of International Concern.
Of course, there are a few, let's say, irregularities here. Starting with the fact that just like there was a simulation of an outbreak of a new strain of coronavirus, there was a simulation of an outbreak of monkeypox around the globe as well. With the "simulation" running an outbreak that conveniently enough originated the same month and year in which they started talking about monkeypox cases in the real world.
But no, actually the one common denominator seems to be that every single country that is reporting monkeypox cases jabbed its citizenry with Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine. That's why I say if that isn't the case it's easy enough to debunk as it would all be public record as to which nations purchased and distributed Pfizer's vaccine and which did not. Although, even if there winds up being some nations that didn't use Pfizer's vaccine, that still doesn't in and of itself let other mRNA vaccines or any possible shedding of Pfizer vaccine recipients visiting a particular country.
As it is, with the second article I will link, there is certainly reason to believe that what is equally as like and in fact almost assuredly more likely is rather than "monkeypox" jumping off the continent of Africa, which it essentially has never done to speak of, is that the vaccine is causing a person who receives it to have their own immune system react in such a way that if they ever contracted say chickenpox as a kid, the virus that has been lying dormant in their body since it was defeated has been reactivated. Distinguishing between monkeypox and chickenpox is not the easiest thing in the world to do apparently.
But as always, never fear. Big Pharma has the solution. It comes in a needle, and stop me if you've heard this one before.... it's approved for distribution but it's untested and they are even admitting that anyone who receives an injection is participating in a clinical trial. Which, this particular vaccine is seen as potentially causing more harm to the heart than the Covid-19 vaccines have.
At this point anyone who willingly allows anyone to inject any of this crap into them is literally putting their lives at risk as I see it. I understand when there are people who feel that they "have to". The boyfriend of a work friend of mine recently had to get a Moderna shot and gets a second next month as a new EMT. He wasn't happy about it.
And as for me I hate to be that person, in a sense, but if anyone can't see at least roughly what's happening in this world today and believes that they will ever fully live the future life they wanted or dreamed of going forward than I would suggest if that person is a Christian at all that they pay attention, really pay attention to what they're doing and strive to see and even ask God to help them see, if it be His will, what is really going on. Because the hidden tares in this world, they're still somewhat hidden. But what they're doing is anything but as they try to set up their system so that their father can have his day. It won't be a sniff of anything compared to the True Lord's Day or the eternity. But it's going to deceive a lot of people and it's already doing just that.
But the information is out there. If something doesn't sound right or seem right with what they tell you, chances are it's probably not. Watch, discern, and pray- and always study. Links are below.