I'm not going to sit here and say that it's a brief read. I think the author knows that which is why he makes his own suggestions. It may not be digested or recommended to be read even in one sitting unless you have the time and attention span to do so. So to, there may be some things that you disagree with and some things that you feel are either missing or could be better brought forth.
However, clearly a great deal of time was spent on this documenting and deconstructing the lies and inconsistencies surrounding this entire "pandemic." The mainstream narrative and the government/media/medical establishment narrative has been rife with contradictions and sketchy if not outright dishonest "facts" from the start. If more people realized that, cared, or didn't allow the spirit of fear, which does not come from God (2nd Timothy 1:7) than likely none of this, or much of this, would not have happened. Sadly, however, that is not the case.
At this point I don't think the genie can be put back into the bottle. I would love to believe, in the flesh, that rather than the Great Reset instead a Great Awakening could occur and this attempt to run our lives, restrict our freedoms, steal what we have, and lie to us on a scale perhaps never before seen could all be defeated.
Given the right circumstances and time, it likely could. However, while we have free will, we also don't control the events of this world. Our enemies don't control the events of this world. God controls the events of this world. As such, there comes a time in which He is going to allow Satan, his supernatural fallen angels currently held in chains in the book of Jude, and the seed which is the tares, who are of Cain and who are of Satan himself to have their day to deceive as much of the world as they can. Indeed, almost all of the world will be deceived and the reality is it is just starting. But starting nonetheless it is. There is a vision to establish, or at least try to.
Daniel 11:14 And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall.
Just a thought, but is there anyone "exalting themselves" more these days, or even being exalted and treated like heroes more than say Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and the clown at the WEF Klaus Schawb? None of these men deserve it and no doubt every single one will be abased by God when the time is right.
Now, I don't recommend running with that or making any crazy claims about any of them being the Antichrist or us already being in the Tribulation or one world system. None of them are, we are not, and we are not quite yet. But it is coming and all of those three in particular are working hard to make it happen. But they are not alone and they even are merely front men for those still behind the scenes.
What is written must come to pass. But seeing what is coming to pass and recognizing it is one of the greatest blessings and "arming of oneself" that can happen today. Understand that there is no rapture and just as Noah was in those flood waters, just as Daniel was in the lion's den, and just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego went through their own "tribulation", so too was each protected by YHVH God so that no harm came to them whatsoever.
Be aware of what was done. Be aware and on the lookout for what is about to transpire. Be wary too of con artists who claim to "know things" who instead make failed predictions and sow seeds of confusion. There isn't a man (or woman) out there who is going to get themselves anywhere or establish any credibility whatsoever by setting dates. That applies to "the end of the world" and that applies to claiming to know the day, week, or even month in which these clowns are going to pull their next trick. I also hold out hope, and yes faith, that based on past biblical examples and knowing God's love for His people and even all people that no matter what they have planned, He will only allow so much. Time and time again when those in Satan's camp and even those whom God used to punish and correct went just a bit too far, that was it and they were done.
But we do watch, we do arm ourselves, and we try to help as many people out of confusion and deception as we can. Do your best to prepare financially and in terms of supplies and so forth. But more than that, do your best to prepare spiritually. Take the time, even in these chaotic days, and more so in these chaotic days, to keep your focus and your eyes on Him. Try to get into His Word if you're not. Try to reach out to Him for wisdom and protection if you have not. Feed yourselves with that manna from the Living Word. I happened to notice one of my friends on Facebook asked a simple question. "What happened when Peter took his eyes off Christ?" He began to sink. So too will we have a tendency to sink with everything that is thrown at us if we try to tread the water on our own. On our own, it can become too much the longer this goes. Why do I say that? Because again, the tribulation itself. If the days hadn't been shorted for the elect's sake, no flesh would be saved and even the elect would be deceived, as shown in Matthew 24. But with Christ, we won't sink.
Everything that is happening was already written. Maybe not in detail, maybe even John and Daniel and whomever else, Ezekiel, didn't know or didn't understand everything the saw. But it has been written. So too has the ending to all of it. And remember one thing. The ending is, they lose. All of their plans, all of their gain, all their control, all of the wealth they place their hope in, gone in an instant at the 7th Trump. So you can follow that and you can trust in that. Or you can follow Christ and trust in Him. Pray that you, that I, that all of those with eyes and ears in these days never fail to do that. And the link is below.